Whole Home Surge Protection

Protect your valuable appliances and electronics from power surges with our whole home surge protection solutions. We install cutting-edge surge protection systems that shield your devices from sudden voltage spikes, ensuring their longevity and saving you from unexpected replacement costs.

Whole Home Surge Protection in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex

In today’s technology-driven world, your home is filled with valuable electronic devices that make daily life more convenient and enjoyable. However, the electrical grid isn’t always consistent, and power surges can occur without warning. These surges, often caused by lightning strikes, utility issues, or internal factors, can wreak havoc on your electronics and appliances, leading to costly replacements. At Astar Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electric, we offer comprehensive whole home surge protection services to shield your investments from these sudden voltage spikes, ensuring uninterrupted performance and peace of mind.

Why Choose Astar For Whole Home Surge Protection

  • Experience and Expertise: Our team of licensed electricians brings a wealth of experience to every inspection. We’ve encountered a wide range of electrical challenges and are adept at identifying potential issues before they escalate
  • Safety-Centric Approach: Safety is our foremost concern. Our inspections are conducted with a keen eye on identifying hazards and potential risks that could compromise your family’s well-being.
  • Peace of Mind: Our detailed reports offer clarity and transparency, empowering you to make informed decisions about any necessary repairs or improvements.
  • Preservation of Investment: Timely inspections prevent minor issues from escalating into costly emergencies, saving you money in the long run.

The Importance of Surge Protection

Power surges are like electrical storms that can strike unexpectedly, damaging or even destroying your electronic devices. These surges can range from minor fluctuations to severe spikes, and they often occur without warning. Without proper protection, your valuable electronics—such as televisions, computers, appliances, and smart home systems – can fall victim to these voltage irregularities, resulting in downtime and unnecessary expenses.

How Whole Home Surge Protection Works

  • Protection at the Source: Our whole home surge protection systems are designed to intercept surges at the main electrical panel, where electricity enters your home. This means that surges are halted before they can propagate to your outlets and devices.
  • Multi-Layered Defense: We implement a multi-layered approach, combining surge protection devices at various points in your electrical system. This includes protection at the main panel, as well as localized surge protectors at critical outlets.
  • Instant Response: These systems respond instantaneously to any surge, diverting excess voltage safely into the grounding system and away from your sensitive electronics.

Our Surge Protection Services

  • Assessment: Our experts conduct a thorough assessment of your home’s electrical system to determine the level of surge protection required based on your electronics, appliances, and overall electrical infrastructure.
  • Customized Solutions: We tailor our surge protection solutions to match your specific needs. Whether you’re looking to safeguard your home office equipment or your entire smart home setup, we’ve got you covered.
  • Installation: Our skilled electricians install surge protection systems with precision and care, ensuring seamless integration with your existing electrical setup.
  • Peace of Mind: With whole home surge protection, you can enjoy the comfort of knowing that your electronics are shielded from unexpected voltage fluctuations, extending their lifespan and reducing the risk of sudden breakdowns.

Call The Experts

Call Astar today at 972-485-0813 or schedule your appointment online and protect your home from the next major storm with our expertly installed surge protection equipment.

Gold Star Membership

Gold Star Membership Benefits

Enhance your smart thermostat experience with our Gold Star Membership. This exclusive plan ensures your air conditioning and heating systems operate at peak efficiency, significantly cutting energy costs and keeping you comfortable all year round. Members enjoy:

  • Complimentary precision HVAC tune-ups for up to four systems
  • Annual mainline camera inspection
  • Whole house electrical safety inspection
  • Annual water heater maintenance*
  • Smoke/Fire/CO2 detectors battery replacement
  • A reduced service fee of $49 during regular business hours (regular price: $99)
  • Priority scheduling on repairs and 15% off all services and repairs