As the summer heat intensifies here in DFW, homeowners often battle high water bills and face plumbing issues that can arise from excessive water usage. In addition, and as our region experiences periodic drought conditions, being aware of water conservation and avoiding water scarcity become significant concerns.  

The Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex has a rapidly growing population with an ever-increasing water demand for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes. Conserving water reduces the strain on the existing water infrastructure and helps meet the needs of the growing population without depleting limited water resources.  

At Astar, we want to help you conserve water and prevent plumbing problems before they arise, so we’ve compiled a list of expert tips specifically tailored to our fellow DFW residents. By implementing these suggestions, you can contribute to water conservation efforts, save money, and ensure your plumbing system remains efficient and reliable throughout the summer months. 

Fix Leaky Faucets and Toilets: 

It is probably no surprise that a seemingly small leak in a faucet or toilet can waste a significant amount of water over time. Regularly check for leaks throughout your home, especially in bathrooms, kitchens, and outdoor spigots, as these are the areas where leaks are most common. Repair any leaks promptly to prevent unnecessary water wastage and potential damage to your plumbing fixtures. 

Upgrade to Water-Efficient Fixtures: 

Consider upgrading your home’s plumbing fixtures to more water-efficient options. Install low-flow showerheads, faucet aerators, and dual-flush toilets to reduce water consumption without sacrificing performance. While upgrading your fixtures can be expensive at first, they are often more beneficial in the long run.  

Schedule your plumbing maintenance services: 

Maintenance services done by trained and professional plumbers will help you keep your water using appliances’ performance efficient and protect their longevity. Additionally, preventative maintenance will help identify potential issues that could come down the road and avoid them becoming a larger problem in the future. 

Practice Responsible Water Usage: 

Adopt simple yet impactful habits that promote responsible water usage. For example, turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth, collect and reuse rainwater for gardening purposes, and use a broom instead of a hose to clean outdoor surfaces. These small changes can add up to significant water savings over time. 

Monitor Your Water Meter: 

Regularly monitor your water meter to detect any sudden increases in water usage, which may indicate hidden leaks. To check for leaks, turn off all water sources in your home and observe the meter for a few hours. If the meter continues to register water usage, it’s likely that you have an undetected leak. In such cases, it’s wise to seek professional plumbing assistance. 

Keep the drains and sewer clean: 

In addition to preventing burst or blocked pipes with the intensified use of water during summer, keeping your drainage and sewer system clean will avoid anyone from feeling the need to keep pouring water to help clear an obstruction or a slow drain.  

By following these practical tips, you can effectively conserve water and prevent plumbing problems during summer. Responsible water usage benefits the environment and helps you save money on utility bills. Remember, small actions can make a big difference. Embrace these water-saving practices to help lower your water bill, ensure the longevity of your plumbing system, and contribute to the sustainable future of our community. 

If you believe you may have a plumbing issue impacting your water usage, call the plumbing experts at Astar to get it fixed fast: 469-250-0518

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