Did you know that because of today’s energy efficient construction, the air in our homes and workplaces is 2 to 5 times more polluted than the exterior air? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are several key factors that affect the air quality in our living and workspaces. From cooking and pet odors, to cleaning products and germs, we are breathing a number of particles that over time, make a significant impact on our health.

Even though our lungs act naturally as filters to prevent contaminants from entering our blood stream, they can’t protect us from the tiniest of pollutants, making it critical for us to remove these microscopic particles to achieve healthy indoor air quality in our homes.

Taking proper care of our ducts and vents cleaning, replacing our air filters punctually, as well as performing regular maintenance on our heating and air conditioning systems, is crucial to reduce the impact of such contaminants. However, these actions are not enough to protect our home and health. Specially during the cold weather, when we receive less ultraviolet light from the sun which helps kill germs, further action is required.
Thankfully, technology has made it possible for us to bring the benefits from the sun into our homes through our heating and cooling equipments. Air purification solutions are now available as an efficient form of cleaning indoor environments, fighting the chemicals and pollutants in our homes, reducing the allergens, germs, odors, and gases that affect our health.
Amongst the solutions available, germicidal UV systems are one of the most trusted methods to kill germs and remove odors. Used in hospitals for their powerful ability to sterilize viruses, bacteria, and mold; they keep the coils clean of biological growth, and can even control odors by oxidizing gases and toxins.
In addition, polarized media air cleaners help trap smoke, dust, and allergens that trigger asthma and other allergic reactions. Considered one of the most affordable high performance products, these air cleaners do not restrict airflow and their quiet ease of operation, make them a friendly solution to maintain.
Be ready for allergy season in North Texas by taking control of your indoor environment. Live a healthier life with the expert guidance of Astar Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electric techs, who will help you select the best air quality solution for your home and family.