Clogs in your home’s plumbing are likely something you’ll experience if you’ve lived in the same place for an extended period. Nobody wants to face a clogged drain, but it does occur occasionally, and when it does, it must be fixed right away. A clogged drain needs immediate care due to its detrimental effects on one’s health and way of life.

Over time, kitchen, utility, and bathroom drains can be clogged by the buildup of grease, soaps, hair, toilet paper, dirt, toothpaste, etc. Store-bought “over-the-counter” chemical drain cleaners can often get rid of the clog, but they can also damage the lining of the pipes.

For a safe and more professional handling of your drains, the plumbers at Astar will clear the drains for you, the damage caused by harsh cleaning chemicals to your pipes.

Below we discuss what you should expect when you call for a drain cleaning service.

Identify the Clog

At Astar, we don’t just stick a plunger in a clogged drain to clear it. We also assess the drain’s condition, diagnose the clog’s sources, and locate the precise location of the clog. To accurately assess the state of the drain, this is typically done through video inspection utilizing a fixed camera and a flexible cable.

Remove the Clog

One of the most effective tactics in drain cleaning is hydro-jetting. A hydro-jetter is similar to a pressure washer for drains; it is a motorized device that sends hot, high-pressure water through a hose and out a small nozzle. When the hose is inserted down the drain, the powerful blasts of water clear out debris and grease or oil build-up along the pipes. This device is the most thorough method for cleaning drains but should only be done by a professional.

Post Clog Removal

You should be able to see the change as soon as the treatment is finished because any flooding water will have vanished. Don’t forget to test your home’s plumbing fittings to be sure the “flow” is back and the blockage is gone for good. Our plumbers will walk you through the process and provide you with any additional instructions if there are any. For instance, we will immediately let you know whether your sewage line has to be fixed or replaced to provide a more long-lasting solution to your plumbing problems.

Drain cleaning is essential to maintain your drains’ functionality and efficiency. The drain cleaning process is about 3 hours long and is done best by trained professionals. Drain cleaning can improve the quality of your life by preventing foul smells, tub pooling, and slow draining. Nobody wants to shower in a pool of nasty water or constantly be followed by a foul odor!

If you suspect your drain needs some cleaning, contact Astar’s professional plumbers today!

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