Did you know that the air inside your home can be 2 to 5 times more polluted than the air outside? Just because the air pollution isn’t visible to the naked eye doesn’t mean it’s not causing problems within your home. Indoor air pollution can cause several illnesses for high-risk groups such as the elderly, infants, and immunocompromised individuals.

Below you’ll find Astar’s tips for improving the air quality inside your home during this winter season.


The first tip, and probably most obvious, is cleaning. Regularly cleaning your home can reduce the dust and pollutants that kick into the air as you move objects around your home. When choosing products to maintain the cleanliness of your home, be sure to use natural and clean products free of harsh chemicals and dyes.

Maintain your HVAC Unit

The next step is to change your HVAC filters. HVAC filters are one of the main components of your home’s air circulation. Leaving the filters in for too long or not cleaning them regularly can result in you circulating already polluted air. It is best to contact a certified HVAC technician to find out which filter best suits your unit and lifestyle.

Clean your Ducts

Air ducts can collect dust, dirt, mold, and insect droppings. Your air ducts are the passageway the air takes to circulate throughout your home, so if these ducks are dirty, the air flowing through your home will also contain these pollutants. At Astar we recommend having your air ducts professionally cleaned every 3 to 5 years.

Buy an Air Purifier

Portable air purifiers can be essential to maintaining the quality of the air in your home. Air purifiers come in various shapes and sizes to fit each person’s home. When searching for air purifiers, look at the clean air delivery rate or CADR. The larger the CADR, the larger the area it will serve.

Regularly Groom Pets

If you have pets or any other large animals in the home, regular grooming can decrease the dust and allergens circulating throughout your home.

Open Your Windows

One of the best and cheapest ways of improving your home’s indoor air quality is by opening your windows on nice days. Since the air inside your home can be more polluted than the air outside, the circulation of the outside airflow can improve the air quality inside your home.

Get a Dehumidifier

A dehumidifier is a unit that removes the extra moisture within your home air. Since moisture traps, dirt and bacteria, having a dehumidifier in your home can decrease the additional bacteria flowing around your home.

Stop using Air Fresheners

Often when there is a foul odor in our home, our first resort is air fresheners. However, fresheners can contain harsh chemicals that will only worsen the air quality in your home. Opt for a high-quality air cleaner instead. This will get rid of the smells and improve the indoor air quality overall


Having plants around your home can be a great way to improve the air quality in your home since plants are natural illuminators of air pollutants.

Astar understands how important clean air is to your health and those around you. Not only do you deserve purified, clean, and non-harmful air, but your loved ones do as well. When you work with Astar Plumbing, Heating & Air, our trained service technicians will sit down with you to discuss your needs and help you find the best air purification system for your budget

Call us today at 469-250-0518  to discuss air purification options with our comfort experts.

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